Montag, 25. November 2013

Removing the pads

Here's a pretty funny video about removing the pads. It mainly follows freely this instruction by the great polaroiders team from italy.  Jörn Freitag from the Sofortbildshop Berlin asked me to do a video.
Jörn, did you ask me for a video in german? I can't remember. Unfortunately I was interupted by little Isaak  who climbed out of the bed when he heard me talking and also I had no view on which part the tablet was filming. I hope you like it since I didn't watch it.

But some technical stuff too. The 2013 Impossible Black and White film additionally needs to be dried out. So put it in a dry age kit or use the stuff you get with your sneakers. Only removing the pads is not enough! (And in my opinion the dry age kit alone too)

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